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Stuck with adding variable to Discord Client object Typescript

Im new to Typescript and writing a Discord bot using Typescript. I want to add a variable "commands" to the Client object. For example in Javascript, you using this:


const { Client } = require('discord.js');
const client = new Client();
client.commands = 'commands';
// 'commands'

but now I want to add something similar to Typescript. But when Im using this in Typescript, I got the following error:

Property 'commands' does not exist on type 'Client'.ts(2339)

How can I solve this?

My code at the moment:

export class HalloClient {

    private client: Client; 

    constructor() {
        this.client = new Client();

        this.client.commands = new Collection();

    public start(): void {
        console.log(`- Client | Starting process...`);

        new RegisterEvents('../events/', this.client).load();
        new MongoConnection(process.env.mongouri).createConnection(); 





  • I was having the same issue when using typescript and following the guide from

    By default, commands is not an existing attribute type on Discord.Client object, but you can easily extend Discord.js typings with your own type by creating a .d.ts file.

    I have discord.d.ts file on my project directory, and it contains:

    declare module "discord.js" {
        export interface Client {
            commands: Collection<unknown, any>

    This fixes my issue.

    Or even better if you are using the single-file style command from discord.js guide:

    import { Message } from "discord.js";
    declare module "discord.js" {
        export interface Client {
            commands: Collection<unknown, Command>
        export interface Command {
            name: string,
            description: string,
            execute: (message: Message, args: string[]) => SomeType // Can be `Promise<SomeType>` if using async

    This way, you also get code completion when accessing a command object from this.client.commands.get("commandName"), and you also can import Command type if you need it from import { Command } from "discord.js".

    I find this useful when I want to strictly type my exported command from my command file, for example:

    import { Command } from "discord.js";
    // Now `command` is strictly typed to `Command` interface
    const command: Command = {
        name: "someCommand",
        description: "Some Command",
        execute(message, args): SomeType /* Can be Promise<SomeType> if using async */ {
            // do something
    export = command;