I have a list of data_terms, and I'd like to loop through the col of df to replace all instances matching any item in data_terms with the word "database". I've tried with np.select:
discrete_distributed_bar["profile_standardized"] = np.select(
and, with np.where:
for index, row in discrete_distributed_bar["profile_standardized"].items():
but the replacement is not actually happening. What am I missing here?
Thanks for the help!
Here seems solution should be simplify:
discrete_distributed_bar["profile_standardized"] = discrete_distributed_bar["profile_standardized"].replace(data_terms, 'database')
But I think there is some problem with data (e.g. whitespaces), test it by:
print (discrete_distributed_bar["profile_standardized"].isin(data_terms))
Then is possible use:
discrete_distributed_bar["profile_standardized"] = discrete_distributed_bar["profile_standardized"].str.strip().replace(data_terms, 'database')