Thank you for helping beforehand. Im trying to use canDeactivate function with NgbModal. Which means, I want to return the value depends on NgbModal's return.
I already saw its working with comfirm alert, but Its not working as I wanted with NgbModal. Here is my code, The console.log(rtn) print "Undefined". Which I understand why, but dont know how to connect NgbModal to canDeactive(). Help me plz!
public canDeactivate() {
//return confirm("Do you really want to leave?")
const rtn = this.ExistFromExamModal(this.exitFromExamMd)
return rtn
public ExistFromExamModal(content: any): any {
.open(content, {
centered: true,
scrollable: true,
windowClass: 'final-confirm',
.result.then((result) => {
if (result === 'yes') {
return true
} else {
return false
You will need to return an observable
public canDeactivate() {
return from(
.open(this.exitFromExamMd, {
centered: true,
scrollable: true,
windowClass: 'final-confirm',
map(result => result === 'yes')
from turns the promise into an observable and the map function transforms the yes|no string to a boolean.
Actually you can just make your ExistFromExamModal function return a promise. Currently it returns nothing but if you return
before this.modalService
it will return a promise.