The .less library calls itself a port of ruby LESS library. Can I take away from that that they both are compilers for the same LESS file format or do they expect subtly different less code? Asked another way, am I locking myself in to the dotless library or can use dotless and the less javascript lib on the less files?
Dotlesscss is a straight (almost 1:1 port) of the JavaScript project less.js (a JavaScript implementation of LessCSS by Cloudhead the original author of LessCss for Ruby)
In 99% of the cases the same code that runs on dotlesscss will run on less.js and vice versa. If something works on less.js and doesn't on dotlesscss we consider that a bug and try to fix it if possible.
There are very subtle differences though as it is very hard to keep three different projects 100% synced up.
For one that would be different function names. Examples would be the color manipulation functions that we implemented before the LessCss project, as we named these after their SASS equivalents..
But in general: the language though is 100% compatible.
You are not limiting yourself to one language. You should be able to move between different implementations fairly easily.
Also dotless runs on Mono so you are not locked to a specific OS either.
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