Anyone have an idea why live sass compiler extension on vs code is not working?
While editing the file, changes do not appear on screen.
Commenting code that is in the current route will not crush the system and will not produce an error.
The CLI will declare webpack compiled successfully Compiled successfully!
I did try to reinstall extension and to edit path saving settings and even to reinstall vs code but nothing. The problem is that it worked for a short period of time and just stopped, like it is some bug or something because it is constantly showing 'working on it..' but nothing is happening. Is there some issue with extension or it could be up to myself?
Please if someone have an idea what could cause this problem, I will appreciate answer.
thank you.
You more than likely have invalid syntax somewhere in your scss. I once had the same issue that was caused by an empty property.
Empty properties such as background-image: linear-gradient(), url();
will hault the compiler which will therefore not continue watching your scss, thus the eternal "working on it..".