How can i filter a date field in document store table (NoSQL) in c#. i need to filter created ate greater than particular time.
the date is storing as string values in nosql.
I had only found the below mentioned code to filter in C# mysql-x-devspi.
var myDb = mySession.GetSchema(Myschema);
var myColl = myDb.CreateCollection("Mytbl",true);
var docs = myColl.Find("createdtime > :starttime")
.Bind("starttime", DateTime.UtcNow)
You need a date value from somewhere and which you want to filter aso
MySQL needs "his" date format, automatic doesn't work always.
DateTime dateValue= DateTime.Now;
.Bind("starttime", dateValue.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))
But as stated in my comment a RDMS like MySQL and a NoSQL are mainly different, and mysql is definitely no NoSQL.
You can take a look where the main differences are explaind