I have 1000 .txt files and planned searching for various keywords and calculate their TF-IDF Score. But for some reason the results are > 1. I did a test with 2 .txt files then: "I am studying nfc" and "You don't need AI" . For nfc and AI the TF-IDF should be 0.25 but when I open the .csv it says 1.4054651081081644.
I must admit that I did not choose the most efficient way for the code. I think the mistake is with the folders since I originally planned to check the documents by their year (annual reports from 2000-2010). But I canceled those plans and decided to check all annual reports as a whole corpus. I think the folders workaround is the problem still. I placed the 2 txt. files into the folder "-". Is there a way to make it count right?
import numpy as np
import os
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer, CountVectorizer
from pathlib import Path
# root dir
root = '/Users/Tom/PycharmProjects/TextMining/'
words_to_find = ['AI', 'nfc']
# tf_idf file writing
wrote_tf_idf_header = False
tf_idf_file_idx = 0
vectorizer_tf_idf = TfidfVectorizer(max_df=.80, min_df=1, stop_words='english', use_idf=True, norm=None, vocabulary=words_to_find, ngram_range=(1, 3))
vectorizer_cnt = CountVectorizer(stop_words='english', vocabulary=words_to_find, ngram_range=(1, 3))
years = ['-']
year_folders = [root + folder for folder in years]
# remove previous results file
if os.path.isfile('summary.csv'):
if os.path.isfile('tf_idf.csv'):
#process every folder (for every year)
for year_idx, year_folder in enumerate(year_folders):
# get file paths in folder
file_paths = []
for file in Path(year_folder).rglob("*.txt"):
# count of files for each year
file_cnt = len(file_paths)
# read every file's text as string
docs_per_year = []
words_in_folder = 0
for txt_file in file_paths:
with open(txt_file, encoding='utf-8', errors="replace") as f:
txt_file_as_string = f.read()
words_in_folder += len(txt_file_as_string.split())
tf_idf_documents_as_array = vectorizer_tf_idf.fit_transform(docs_per_year).toarray()
# tf_idf_documents_as_array = vectorizer_tf_idf.fit_transform([' '.join(docs_per_year)]).toarray()
cnt_documents_as_array = vectorizer_cnt.fit_transform(docs_per_year).toarray()
with open('summary.csv', 'a') as f:
f.write('Index;Term;Count;Df;Idf;Rel. Frequency\n')
for idx, word in enumerate(words_to_find):
abs_freq = cnt_documents_as_array[:, idx].sum()
f.write('{};{};{};{};{};{}\n'.format(idx + 1,
np.count_nonzero(cnt_documents_as_array[:, idx]),
abs_freq / words_in_folder))
with open('tf_idf.csv', 'a') as f:
if not wrote_tf_idf_header:
for word in words_to_find:
wrote_tf_idf_header = True
for idx, tf_idfs in enumerate(tf_idf_documents_as_array):
f.write('{};{};{};'.format(tf_idf_file_idx, years[year_idx], file_paths[idx].name))
for word_idx, _ in enumerate(words_to_find):
tf_idf_file_idx += 1
I think the mistake is, that you are defining the norm as norm=None
, but the norm should be l1
or l2
as specified in the documentation.