I currently have 2 files, reference.txt and model.txt. These two text files contain original captions and generated captions after training.
Can I simply do the following to obtain the meteor score:
score = nltk.translate.meteor_score.meteor_score(reference, model)
I have also looked to https://github.com/tylin/coco-caption but I have no clue how to implement this.
Lets start by defining terms
Reference: The actual text/ground truth. If there are multiple people generating the ground truth for same datapoint you will have multiple references and all of them are assumed to be correct
hypothesis: The candidate/predicted.
Lets say the 2 people look at an image and they caption
Now your model looked at the image and predicted
You can calculate the meteor_score of how good the prediction was using
print (nltk.translate.meteor_score.meteor_score(
["this is an apple", "that is an apple"], "an apple on this tree"))
print (nltk.translate.meteor_score.meteor_score(
["this is an apple", "that is an apple"], "a red color fruit"))
In your case you have to read reference.txt
into a list and similarly model predicitons into another. Now you have to get the meteor_score
for each line in the first list with the each line in the second list and finally take a mean.