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Page lacks the HTML doctype, thus triggering quirks mode

When Running the Lighthouse PageSpeed Test, the Results are showing me that i have not declared a doctype. In the attached image you can see that there is a doctype declared.

Does anyone know why the test is giving me such an error?

Doctype is declared?!

Doctype is declared?!

The error from the PageSpeed Test

The error from the PageSpeed Test


  • You have a Doctype, but the key is in the phrase "The HTML Doctype" which is <!DOCTYPE html>.

    You are using the Doctype for XHTML 1.0 Transitional, which is a legacy language. That Doctype triggers Almost Standards Mode instead of Standards Mode in a number of browsers where <!DOCTYPE html> would trigger Standards Mode.

    See the Wikipedia article on Quirks mode for more details.

    An aside: While you have declared that Doctype, I see a data-* attribute in your screenshot so you aren't following it. Use a validator.