When Running the Lighthouse PageSpeed Test, the Results are showing me that i have not declared a doctype. In the attached image you can see that there is a doctype declared.
Does anyone know why the test is giving me such an error?
Doctype is declared?!
The error from the PageSpeed Test
You have a Doctype, but the key is in the phrase "The HTML Doctype" which is <!DOCTYPE html>
You are using the Doctype for XHTML 1.0 Transitional, which is a legacy language. That Doctype triggers Almost Standards Mode instead of Standards Mode in a number of browsers where <!DOCTYPE html>
would trigger Standards Mode.
See the Wikipedia article on Quirks mode for more details.
An aside: While you have declared that Doctype, I see a data-*
attribute in your screenshot so you aren't following it. Use a validator.