I have database to store customer and messages
I am trying to get list of all the customer and their latest messages like first screen in messenger.
FROM message AS m
LEFT JOIN customer AS c ON c.id=m.sender_id
ORDER BY m.sent_at DESC
but this returns all the message for all user. I've also tried doing this
FROM message AS m
LEFT JOIN customer AS c ON c.id=m.sender_id
but this doesn't run on all databases and cannot sort result set to get latest messages only.
One option uses row_number()
, available in MySQL 8.0:
select * -- better enumerate the columns you want here
from customer as c
left join (
select m.*, row_number() over(partition by m.sender_id order by sent_at desc) rn
from messages m
) m on on c.id = m.sender_id and m.rn = 1
order by m.sent_at desc
This gives you the last message per customer. You can change the condition on rn
if you want more messages (rn <= 3
would give you three messages per customer).
Note that I changed the order of the tables in the left join
, so it allows customers without messages (rather than messages without customers, which probably does not make sense).
If you are running an earlier version, than an alternative is to filter with a subquery:
select * -- better enumerate the columns you want here
from customer as c
left join messages m
on m.sender_id = c.id
and sent_at = (select min(m1.sent_at) from messages m1 where m1.sender_id = m.sender_id)
For perforamnce with the correlated subquery, consider an index on (sender_id, sent_at)
(ideally, there should be no duplicates in these columns).