I have a column "I" on a spreadsheet that gives an int from 1 to 5. In function of the integer/ranking over 5, I manage to display stars within the cell next to the integer:
Dim x As Integer, Cel As Range, Plg As Range
Dim y As Integer, etoile As Shape
Dim shp As Shape
With mysheet
Set Plg = .Range("I" & startLine & ":I" & nbLines)
For Each Cel In Plg
y = 5
For x = 1 To Cel.Value
If Cel > 0 Then
Set stars= .Shapes.AddShape(msoShape5pointStar, Cel.Left + y, Cel.Top + 5, 6, 6)
y = y + 10
stars.Line.Visible = msoFalse
stars.Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 13
End If
Next x
Next Cel
End With
But as I use a program that refresh my column I and the integer I'm looking for a way to remove the stars I created before and then applied the new ranking/number of stars.
I tried stuff like that before my code:
For Each shp In mysheet.Shapes
If shp.Type = msoShapeTypeMixed Then shp.Delete
Next shp
Without great success... Any help would be appreciated !
Try something like this, please:
Dim sh As Worksheet, st As Shape
Set sh = ActiveSheet
For Each st In sh.Shapes
If st.Type = 1 And left(st.Name, 7) = "5-Point" Then st.Delete
You can also name the stars when created.Something like
'your existing code
Set stars= .Shapes.AddShape(msoShape5pointStar, Cel.Left + y, Cel.Top + 5, 6, 6)
y = y + 10
stars.Name = "MyStar" & "somethin else" '(maybe the Cel.Addres and use it in a similar way to delete only specific ones)
'your existing code
Then delete the shapes having the first 6 characters like "MyStar", or whatever you like...
If you need to selectively delete them, you can also determine their TopLeftCell
address and delete according to this one.