I have used vanilla Blueprint with Rails and it work very well. But when I try using it through compass, it (grid system) somehow does not work.
Here are the steps I am following:
compass init rails
When I go and create the template:
%title Test Project
= stylesheet_link_tag :all
= javascript_include_tag :defaults
= stylesheet_link_tag 'screen.css', :media => 'screen, projection'
= stylesheet_link_tag 'print.css', :media => 'print'
/[if lt IE 8]
= stylesheet_link_tag 'ie.css', :media => 'screen, projection'
= csrf_meta_tag
The header
The first column
The center column
The last column
The footer
It all comes as plain unlike blueprint. I Googled and came across some tutorials/blogs and followed then and it still don't work. Some variations of above which I tried are:
compass init rails --using blueprint
compass init rails . --using blueprint
compass init rails . --using blueprint/semantic
Then on one of tutorial I found that, body.bp would work, like:
It did changed the formatting a little, but grid is still not working. Please help.
Finally able to do it.