I want to have multiple masking for zip code input to accept either 5 or 9 digits. If zipcode entered is 9 digit, it should automatically add hyphen(-) in the input.
I tried optional masking(AAAAA-?A?A?A?A also tried AAAAA-A?A?A?A?) as they said in some of the closed issues on their repo, but didn't worked. There isn't any official documentation for optional characters.
Any other way to do so?
@beaudetious I merged two validatiors. 1. NGX-Mask and 2. HTML Pattern validator
My template HTML:
fieldName="{{ insuranceCarrierMessage?.postalCode }}"
<span class="text-danger f-s-13" *ngIf="postalInput?.errors && postalInput?.errors?.pattern">
Invalid postal code (eg. XXXXX-XXXX)
Pattern constant: pattern: '^\\d{5}(\\d{4})?$'
Mask Format : optionalMask: 'AAAAA-AAAA'
I have common app-err-msg
component to display errors on control.
For NGX-Mask error, you will get: postalInput?.errors?.mask