I am trying to dynamically add / remove a control based on dropdown value change but for some reason the validation are not getting fired and form submit button is not getting disabled
can someone please take a look.
<form [formGroup]="dynamicForm">
<select formControlName="selectCtrl">
<option value="add"> Add Mandatory TextBox</option>
<option value="remove"> Remove Mandatory TextBox </option>
<option> Some Input</option>
<div *ngIf="showDfield">
<input formControlName="dynamicTextControl"
<button type="sumit"
class="btn btn-primary"
addDynamicForm() {
console.log("addDynamicForm ");
let dCtrl = new FormControl("dynamicTextControl");
this.dynamicGroup.addControl("dynamicTextControl", dCtrl);
removeDynamicForm() {
In your stackblitz, you've got a nested form group that you've defined in the code-behind, but not the template. Once you update the template to match how you've defined the form, the validity will update properly.
Here's how you've defined your form in the stackblitz:
this.dynamicForm ={
selectCtrl: "Select",
dynamicGroup:{}) //this is where you are adding the dynamic control
Your function appends the control to the sub-group
addDynamicForm() {
console.log("addDynamicForm ");
let dCtrl = new FormControl("dynamicTextControl");
//right here is where you append to the sub-group
this.dynamicGroup.addControl("dynamicTextControl", dCtrl);
Here's the corrected template, along with a forked stackblitz:
<form [formGroup]="dynamicForm">
<select formControlName="selectCtrl" >
<option value="add" > Add Mandatory TextBox</option>
<option value="remove"> Remove Mandatory TextBox </option>
<option> Some Input</option>
<!-- here's your nested group! -->
<div [formGroup]="dynamicGroup">
<div *ngIf="showDfield">
<input formControlName="dynamicTextControl" type="text" >
<button type="sumit" class="btn btn-primary" [disabled]="!dynamicForm.valid" >Submit</button>