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R ggplot2 waterfall problems

Hi I'm getting an error

Error: Discrete value supplied to continuous scale

when I execute below. Following a simple R waterfall tutorial at

Wondering if this is outdated and I am missing something simple.

balance <- data.frame(
  desc = c(
    "Starting Cash",
    "Court Losses",
    "Court Wins",
    "End Cash"
  amount = c(2000, +3400, -1100, -100, -6600, 3800, 1400, 2800)
balance$desc <- factor(balance$desc, levels = balance$desc)
balance$id <- seq_along(balance$amount)
balance$type <- ifelse(balance$amount > 0, "in","out")
balance[balance$desc %in% c("Starting Cash", "End Cash"),+"type"] <-
balance$end <- cumsum(balance$amount)
balance$end <- c(head(balance$end, -1), 0)
balance$start <- c(0, head(balance$end, -1))
balance <- balance[, c(3, 1, 4, 6, 5, 2)]

ggplot(balance, aes(desc, fill = type, x = desc)) + geom_rect(aes(
  xmin = id - 0.45,
  xmax = id + 0.45,
  ymin = end,
  ymax = start

Rstudio version 1.3.1073
R - version 4.0.2
ggplot2 - version 3.3.2

Any ideas?



  • Making this slight changes on your code, I got this:

    balance <- data.frame(
      desc = c(
        "Starting Cash",
        "Court Losses",
        "Court Wins",
        "End Cash"
      amount = c(2000, +3400, -1100, -100, -6600, 3800, 1400, 2800),
      stringsAsFactors = F
    balance$desc <- factor(balance$desc, levels = balance$desc)
    balance$id <- seq_along(balance$amount)
    balance$type <- ifelse(balance$amount > 0, "in","out")
    balance[balance$desc %in% c("Starting Cash", "End Cash"),"type"] <- "net"
    balance$end <- cumsum(balance$amount)
    balance$end <- c(head(balance$end, -1), 0)
    balance$start <- c(0, head(balance$end, -1))
    balance <- balance[, c(3, 1, 4, 6, 5, 2)]
    ggplot(balance, aes(desc, fill = type)) + geom_rect(aes(
      x = desc,
      xmin = id - 0.45,
      xmax = id + 0.45,
      ymin = end,
      ymax = start


    enter image description here

    I followed the directions in the web page you included in your question.