I have 3 fonts. I want to modify the Word document such that each character (alphabet) is assigned one of the three fonts randomly or in some order, I don't mind. No two consecutive characters should be of the same font.
I tried writing a python script but the much I tried to understand the docx-Python
library I think only the paragraph-level styling is possible.
This is what I attempted:
import docx
from docx.shared import Pt
doc = docx.Document("Hey.docx")
mydoc = docx.Document()
style1 = mydoc.styles['Normal']
font1.name = 'Times New Roman'
font1.size = Pt(12.5)
style2 = mydoc.styles['Normal']
font2.name = 'Arial'
font2.size = Pt(15)
all_paras = doc.paragraphs
for para in all_paras:
If hey.docx has "Hello" as text : Bye.docx should have "H(in font A)e(in font B) l(in font C)l(in font A)o(in font B)"
Add each character as a separate run within the paragraph and assign a character style to each run.
from docx import Document
from docx.enum.style import WD_STYLE_TYPE as ST
document = Document()
styles = document.styles
style_A = styles.add_style("A", ST.CHARACTER)
style_A.font.name = "Arial"
style_A.font.size = Pt(15)
style_B = styles.add_style("B", ST.CHARACTER)
style_B.font.name = "Times New Roman"
style_B.font.size = Pt(12.5)
paragraph = document.add_paragraph()
for idx, char in enumerate("abcde"):
paragraph.add_run(char, style_A if idx % 2 else style_B)
I'll leave it to you to create additional character styles and invent a more sophisticated way of determining which style to assign to each character.