I know this is probably the canonical "It depends..." question but I'd appreciate any pointers as to where to start looking.
I have a client/server app talking over ethernet. In one computer I run the server and a client and on another just the client. One runs Vista and one runs XP. After an uptime of about 3 weeks the entire computer freezes and nothing works, not mouse, not keyboard, nothing -just power off. Every ten seconds the server sends a ping message to see if the clients are alive, other than that just a few small messages go back and forth every day.
I'm trying to find out if it's me causing it or something else. I've started a session and after a few days I thought I'd check for strange increases in memory use but beyond that I have very few ideas.
Some thoughts to consider:
For example, I notice that Retrospect backup, when it is creating a snapshot, freezes the entire system for 10-15 minutes. I mean, no caps lock, the clock in the task bar doesn't update, no CTRL-ALT-DEL, can't type into an "Answer" text box in SO, nothing. It had nothing to do with what I was doing at the time, which was answering a question on SO.
After it came back, SO asked if I was a human. My feelings were hurt. ;-)