I need to find 15 minute intervals between two times without date it all works fine if both times are before 00:00. I am passing times like: 17:00
, 23:00
and 01:30
After midnight is the problem of course it is another day so this is the reason it fails. I wanted know if there was a way to find the intervals regardless because the end time could be any eg. before or after midnight so adding in a real date may not be ideal, it will only be few hours after midnight nothing more than that.
$period = new DatePeriod(
new DateTime("17:00"),
new DateInterval('PT15M'),
new DateTime("01:00")
Returns nothing, any help would be much appreciated.
If the end-time is shorter than the start-time, I don't see any option other than adding 1 day to the end-time.
$start = "17:00";
$end = "01:30";
$dtStart = date_create('today '.$start);
$dtEnd = date_create('today '.$end);
if($dtEnd < $dtStart){
$dtEnd->modify('+1 day');
$period = new DatePeriod(
new DateInterval('PT15M'),