I am building a heat map for my company from a generated csv. After a lot of reading I built it using jupyter notebooks (online) using the gmaps API. I've never done anything like this before and jupyter/python/gmaps made it easy to accommodate my requirements (allows for zooming, hovering over a point displays data, easy data cleaning).
Now I've reached the point where I need to share what I have built (with non-programmers). Right now the user can hit a button and a csv generates, I then take that csv and manually place it in my jupyter notebook folder, my code reads it in via pandas and generates the heatmap. I've seen a lot of resources pointing to github, nbviewer, Colaboratory and others but can't seem to find anything that allows user input. Ideally users would be able to click the button and a heatmap would appear (online or not). Security is also an issue so I am not able to make this project public.
Is there a way to make jupyter notebooks (with gmaps) into an executable that allows input? Or another way to securely share my project that automates the csv upload? Am I looking at this from completely the wrong angle and need to change my technology?
Thank you very much in advanced! I am new to this kind of project and appreciate any help :)
More Info: Windows 10, General environment: visual studio 2019 C#, Current project: python 3
I decided I was thinking about jupyter notebooks in the wrong way and that that technology is more for research/data science. I decided to just make a website that launches when the user clicks the button and have the data auto upload. I changed my technology to google maps javascript api and this seems to do everything I need it to do. I changed my data from csv to json but otherwise I think this is the right answer for me.