Consider the following c++ program:
class A
int x;
template<typename X>
using B = A;
template<typename T>
class C : public B<T>
void f()
x = 0;
int main()
When compiled with clang and gcc using -std=c++17 -pedantic-errors
as compilation options they behave differently: Clang compiles without any errors, but gcc gives a compilation error about not being able to lookup the identifier x
What does the c++ standard say in this case? Are both behaviours allowed, or does one of the compilers have a bug in this case?
Compiler explorer link:
This looks similar to CWG1390, and looks like Clang's behavior is consistent with CWG agreement on how such alias templates should be handled (substituted eagerly, at template definition time):
1390. Dependency of alias template specializations
According to [temp.dep.type] paragraph 8, a type is dependent (among other things) if it is
- a simple-template-id in which either the template name is a template parameter or any of the template arguments is a dependent type or an expression that is type-dependent or value-dependent
This applies to alias template specializations, even if the resulting type does not depend on the template argument:
struct B { typedef int type; }; template<typename> using foo = B; template<typename T> void f() { foo<T>::type * x; //error: typename required }
Is a change to the rules for cases like this warranted?
Notes from the October, 2012 meeting:
CWG agreed that no
should be required in this case. In some ways, an alias template specialization is like the current instantiation and can be known at template definition time.