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Adding an object to a mutable live data list

I am trying to add two shops to a mutable list like so:

private var _shopList =  MutableLiveData<List<Shop>>()
    var shopList: LiveData<List<Shop>> = ()
        get() = _shopList

    // This function will get the arrayList items
    fun getArrayList(): MutableLiveData<List<Shop>>

        // Here we need to get the data
        val shop1 = Shop("AOB", "Lat and Long","LA")
        val shop2 = Shop("Peach", "Lat and Long","Vegas")


        return _shopList

However it says the add function is not referenced?


  • From docs:

    List: A generic ordered collection of elements. Methods in this interface support only read-only access to the list; read/write access is supported through the MutableList interface.

    MutableList: A generic ordered collection of elements that supports adding and removing elements.

    You can modify a MutableList: change, remove, add... its elements. In a List you can only read them.

    Solution -

     private var _shopList = MutableLiveData<List<Shop>>() // List is fine here as read only
    val shopList: LiveData<List<Shop>>  // List is fine here as read only
        get() = _shopList
    // This function will get the arrayList items
    fun getArrayList(): MutableLiveData<List<Shop>> {
        // Here we need to get the data
        val shop1 = Shop("AOB", "Lat and Long", "LA")  //  var to val
        val shop2 = Shop("Peach", "Lat and Long", "Vegas") //var to val
        _shopList.value = mutableListOf(shop1, shop2) // assigns a mutable list as value to the live data which can be observed in the view
        return _shopList