I have 3 tables, Notices
, Users
, and Likes
. I want to get all notices with user name and information if user likes this notice.
So far I have this code, but it returns one notice multiple times (one for each like):
return context.notices
.GroupJoin(context.Users, notice => notice.CreatedBy, user => user.Id, (notice, users) => new { notice, users })
.SelectMany(group => group.users.DefaultIfEmpty(), (group, user) =>
.GroupJoin(context.Likes, noticeDto => noticeDto.notice.Id, like => like.ItemId, (noticeDto, likes) => new { noticeDto, likes })
.SelectMany(group => group.likes.DefaultIfEmpty(), (group, like) =>
new NoticeDto
CreatedByName = (group.noticeDto.user == null ? "" : group.noticeDto.user.FullName),
Id = group.noticeDto.notice.Id,
Liked = like.CreatedBy == userId,
I also tried this code.. but I am getting an error:
return context.notices
.GroupJoin(context.Users, notice => notice.CreatedBy, user => user.Id, (notice, users) => new { notice, users })
.SelectMany(group => group.users.DefaultIfEmpty(), (group, user) =>
.GroupJoin(context.Likes, noticeDto => noticeDto.notice.Id, like => like.ItemId, (noticeDto, likes) => new { noticeDto, likes })
.Select((group) =>
new NoticeDto
CreatedByName = (group.noticeDto.user == null ? "" : group.noticeDto.user.FullName),
Id = group.noticeDto.notice.Id,
Liked = group.likes != null ? group.likes.Any(w => w.CreatedBy == userId) : false,
This is the error I get:
Processing of the LINQ expression 'DbSet .LeftJoin( outer: DbSet .AsQueryable(), inner: notice => notice.CreatedBy, outerKeySelector: user => user.Id, innerKeySelector: (notice, user) => new { notice = notice, user = user }) .GroupJoin( outer: DbSet, inner: noticeDto => noticeDto.notice.Id, outerKeySelector: like => like.ItemId, innerKeySelector: (noticeDto, likes) => new { noticeDto = noticeDto, likes = likes })'
by 'NavigationExpandingExpressionVisitor' failed. This may indicate either a bug or a limitation in EF Core.
Can anyone help me achieve what I need?.. Thank you.
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public Guid CreatedBy { get; set; }
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public string FullName{ get; set; }
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public Guid CreatedBy { get; set; }
public Guid ItemId { get; set; }
Like's ItemId is Notice's Id? Notice's and Like's CreatedBy is User's Id?
If so, try this.
return context.notices.Include(x => x.Users)
.Include(x => x.Likes)
As you do not have foreign key and relationship, then you can try this
var users = context.Users;
return context.notices.Select(x => new Notice()
Id = x.Id,
CreatedBy = x.CreatedBy,
Users = users.Where(y => y.Id == x.CreatedBy).FirstOrDefault(),
Likes = context.Likes.Where(y => y.ItemId == x.Id)
.Select(y => new Likes()
Id = y.Id,
CreatedBy = y.CreatedBy,
ItemId = y.ItemId,
Users = users.Where(z => z.Id == y.CreatedBy).FirstOrDefault()