As part a Flask-restful API I have a login Resource:
class LoginApi(Resource):
def post(self):
body = request.get_json()
user = User.objects.get(email=body.get('email'))
authorized = user.check_password(body.get('password'))
if not authorized:
raise UnauthorizedError
expires = datetime.timedelta(days=7)
access_token = create_access_token(identity=str(, expires_delta=expires)
return {'token': access_token}, 200
except DoesNotExist:
raise UnauthorizedError
except Exception as e:
raise InternalServerError
There are 4 scenarios for login route:
So for number 3 - instead of getting an UnauthorizedError, I am getting an InternalServerError.
The if not authorized:
statement is working correctly (If i put a print in there I can see it work). However for some reason I am getting the following when trying to raise the error:
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
I came across this PEP article which seems to suggest changing to raise UnauthorizedError from None
but the issue persists. Does anyone know how I can implement this successfully? Ideally I would like the same error to be raised from scenarios 2 and 3, otherwise there is a potential for someone to know whether or not an email exists in the database, from the errors they get back.
The if statement is raising UnAuthorized, but that happens in the excepts, you have to raise DoesNotExist to make it so that UnAuthorized can be raised in the except.