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Telerik Asp mvc NumericText Validation jQuery Culture Pb

I am using Telerik for asp mvc and I used the Html.Telerik().NumericTextBoxFor

@(Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar().Globalization(true).DefaultGroup(group => group.Combined(true).Compress(true)))
@(Html.Telerik().NumericTextBoxFor(loc => loc.LatitudeValue).MinValue(0).MaxValue(90).Spinners(false).InputHtmlAttributes(new { width = "120", style = "width: 120px" }))

When the navigator is in English it works, but when I switch to French the separator became "," which is great, but when I write for example 12,45 . jQuery removes the ,45 and puts ,00

Did I miss something?


  • Your ScriptRegistrar should be after the numeric textbox. The globalization online example works as expected for me.