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Mongodb find distinct value with range

I have a mongodb database where I have two collections - elements and properties. The elements look something like this -

{ _id: "someElementId", name: "Iron", type: "metal" }

And the properties look like this -

{ _id: "somePropertyId", propName: "molecular weight", propType: "number", unit: null }

Each element can have multiple properties and a value corresponding to the property. For example iron can have properties molecular weight, color, atomic weight etc.

For that I created another collection where I stored the element id and corresponding property id and its value -

{ elementId: "someElementId", propId:  "somePropertyId", value: 55.845 }

Now I want to find the names of all the unique properties and the range of their values that occurs in the database. So for example, if 1 is the lowest value corresponding the above property and 100 is the highest value, I want something like -

[ { name: "molecular weight", range: { min: 1, max: 100 } } ]

I can get the distinct properties and iterate over them to get the range, but I was wondering if there's a better way. Or maybe this table structure is not efficient enough?


  • Please check if this would work for you:

        $group: {
          _id: "$propId",
          min: {
            $min: "$value"
          max: {
            $max: "$value"
        $lookup: {
          from: "properties",
          localField: "_id",
          foreignField: "_id",
          as: "name"
        $unwind: "$name"
        $project: {
          _id: 0,
          "name": "$name.propName",
          "range": {
            "min": "$min",
            "max": "$max"

    Mongo Playground