I want to make a pdf from my user information page . I use react-pdf but i do not find information about using props from my document variable in react-pdf webpage. Is that possible to use it or how can i do without use any prop?
const MyDoc = () => (
<Page size="A4" style={styles.page}>
<View style={styles.section}>
<Header as="h5" dividing color="teal" content="User Info" />
Please contact with your manager
<Table id="pdf">
<Table.Cell><Header as='h4'>Name</Header></Table.Cell>
<Table.Cell>{this.props.user.profile.name == null || this.props.user.profile.surname == null ? "-" : this.props.user.profile.name + " " + this.props.user.profile.surname}</Table.Cell>
</Table.Row> .....
You can use user information without passing as props if is collected it from the same page, Or you can assign user information to a variable from the page where you collected from and try to import to MyDoc().