So basically I have this function which returns: 3.00000000000E000
function lang():extended;
wynik := 0 ;
counter := 1;
temp :=1;
input := 2;
for i:= 1 to 4 do
for k:= 1 to 4 do
if i = k then counter := counter
else temp := temp * ((input - a[k]) / (a[i] - a[k]));
wynik := wynik + temp*f[i];
temp := 1;
Result := wynik;
But when I try to print it on the application screen using FloatToStr, I get only 3.
procedure TFormCalculator.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Edit1.Text := FloatToStr(lang());
How can I keep the long version of the result ?
You have to understand that computers do not store numbers as strings of characters (text). In this case, you are working with floating-point numbers. Please read that Wikipedia article. (Integers are much simpler.)
Then, every time a number is displayed on-screen, a computer subroutine creates a string of characters (text) out of that number.
So you always have the same number, but different systems create different textual representations from it.
will use a simple default number format. You want to use a particular format (called "scientific" or "exponential") with 12 digits. So you need to use a float-to-string routine that supports that:
Format('%.12e', [3.0], TFormatSettings.Invariant)
FormatFloat('0.00000000000E+000', 3.0, TFormatSettings.Invariant)
FloatToStrF(3.0, ffExponent, 12, 3, TFormatSettings.Invariant)
Please read the documentation for each function: