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Efficiency of Fortran stream access vs. MPI-IO

I have a parallel section of the code where I write out n large arrays (representing a numerical mesh) in blocks that are later read in different sized blocks. To do this I used Stream access so each processor writes their block independently, but I've seen inconsistent timings taking from 0.5-4 seconds in this section testing with 2 processor groups.

I am aware you can do something similar with MPI-IO, but I'm not sure what the benefits would be since there is no synchronization necessary. I would like to know if there is a way to either improve performance of my writes, or if there is a reason MPI-IO would be a better choice for this section.

Here is a sample of the code section where I create the files to write norb arrays using two groups (mygroup = 0 or 1]:

do irbsic=1,norb
  [various operations]

  mypos = 1 + (IRBSIC-1)*nmsh_tot*8     ! starting point for writing IRBSIC
  mypos = mypos + mygroup*(8*blocksize) ! starting point for mesh group
  WRITE(iunit,POS=mypos) POT(1:nmsh)  

  mypos = 1 + (IRBSIC-1)*nmsh_tot*8     ! starting point for writing IRBSIC
  mypos = mypos + mygroup*(8*blocksize) ! starting point for mesh group
  WRITE(iunit,POS=mypos) RHOG(1:nmsh,1,1)

  [various operations]
end do


  • (As discussed in the comments) I would strongly recommend against using Fortran stream access for this. Standard Fortran I/O is only guaranteed to work if the file is being accessed by a single process, and in my own work I have seen random corruptions of files when multiple processes try to write to them at once, even if the processes are writing to different parts of the file. MPI-I/O, or a library such as HDF5 or NetCDF which uses MPI-I/O is the only sensible way to achieve this. Below is a simple program illustrating the use of mpi_file_write_at_all

    ian@eris:~/work/stack$ cat at.f90
    Program write_at
      Use mpi
      Implicit None
      Integer, Parameter :: n = 4
      Real, Dimension( 1:n ) :: a
      Real, Dimension( : ), Allocatable :: all_of_a
      Integer :: me, nproc
      Integer :: handle
      Integer :: i
      Integer :: error
      ! Set up MPI
      Call mpi_init( error )
      Call mpi_comm_size( mpi_comm_world, nproc, error )
      Call mpi_comm_rank( mpi_comm_world, me   , error )
      ! Provide some data
      a = [ ( i, i = n * me, n * ( me + 1 ) - 1 ) ]
      ! Open the file
      Call mpi_file_open( mpi_comm_world, 'stuff.dat', &
           mpi_mode_create + mpi_mode_wronly, mpi_info_null, handle, error )
      ! Describe how the processes will view the file - in this case
      ! simply a stream of mpi_real
      Call mpi_file_set_view( handle, 0_mpi_offset_kind, &
           mpi_real, mpi_real, 'native', &
           mpi_info_null, error )
      ! Write the data using a collective routine - generally the most efficent
      ! but as collective all processes within the communicator must call the routine
      Call mpi_file_write_at_all( handle, Int( me * n,mpi_offset_kind ) , &
           a, Size( a ), mpi_real, mpi_status_ignore, error )
      ! Close the file
      Call mpi_file_close( handle, error )
      ! Read the file on rank zero using Fortran to check the data
      If( me == 0 ) Then
         Open( 10, file = 'stuff.dat', access = 'stream' )
         Allocate( all_of_a( 1:n * nproc ) )
         Read( 10, pos = 1 ) all_of_a
         Write( *, * ) all_of_a
      End If
      ! Shut down MPI
      Call mpi_finalize( error )
    End Program write_at
    ian@eris:~/work/stack$ mpif90 --version
    GNU Fortran (Ubuntu 7.4.0-1ubuntu1~18.04.1) 7.4.0
    Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
    ian@eris:~/work/stack$ mpif90 -Wall -Wextra -fcheck=all -std=f2008 at.f90 
    ian@eris:~/work/stack$ mpirun -np 2 ./a.out 
       0.00000000       1.00000000       2.00000000       3.00000000       4.00000000       5.00000000       6.00000000       7.00000000    
    ian@eris:~/work/stack$ mpirun -np 5 ./a.out 
       0.00000000       1.00000000       2.00000000       3.00000000       4.00000000       5.00000000       6.00000000       7.00000000       8.00000000       9.00000000       10.0000000       11.0000000       12.0000000       13.0000000       14.0000000       15.0000000       16.0000000       17.0000000       18.0000000       19.0000000    