I am looking to write a function that looks into a given directory and gives me a list of paths of all folders of a particular name.
Let's say I need to search the Desktop and all its subdirectories for folders named "Test". The original code to do it is this:
def finder():
lst = []
for root, dir, files in os.walk(r'C:\Users\username\Desktop'):
for i in dir:
if i == 'Test':
return lst
I looked online and found that list comprehensions can be much faster in such cases and came up with this function:
def finder2():
lst = [i[0] for i in os.walk(r'C:\Users\username\Desktop') if i[0][-4:]=='Test']
return lst
I timed both functions using timeit for 100 repetitions and found that they take a similar amount of time.
The task is probably mainly I/O limited so you are unlikely to achieve much speed-up however it is performed.
List comprehensions are still effectively loops in the Python level, and may be slightly faster than a for
loop because the append
attribute does not need to be looked up each time, but the difference is not normally very significant.
To take a more radical comparison, on a Linux system I compared the timings of your Python code with the equivalent find
command (find /starting/directory -type d -name Test
). Here, find
is an executable compiled from C code, so for CPU limited tasks would be expected to be significantly quicker than any explicit loops in Python (including list comprehensions). In fact, I found that running find
was only on average about 25% quicker than the Python code. This is indicative of the fact the task is I/O limited, and you are unlikely to achieve significant speed-up by changing the algorithm.