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How install python-pysocks in CentOS/oracle linux?

When I try to update using the command sudo yum update I get the error:

Error: Package: python2-urllib3-1.22-2.el7.noarch (ol7_developer)
           Requires: python-pysocks

so when I try to install the python2-urllib3-1.22-2.el7.noarch.rpm I get the error:

Error: Package: python2-urllib3-1.22-2.el7.noarch (/python2-urllib3-1.22-2.el7.noarch)
           Requires: python-pysocks

Then I tried to download the package but when I try to install: sudo yum install /home/<USER>/python-pysocks-1.6.8-7.el7.src.rpm I get the error:

Cannot add package /home/bigdata/python-pysocks-1.6.8-7.el7.src.rpm to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: src

How do I correct? Where should I download this package?


  • python2-pysocks is in the EPEL repo on


    sudo yum install oracle-epel-release-el7
    sudo yum update