Hello I'm using Angular and Firebase for the authentication. I have a short question
Does anyone know how to make the prompt redirect to the login page after successfully resetting password?
The two mentioned above are successfully configured, however I am having a hard time on how to implement the redirect to login page after changing password successfully
The page only stays here after the password change
Authservice.ts password reset method
resetPassword(email: string) {
return this.afAuth.sendPasswordResetEmail(email)
.catch(error => throw error);
async resetPassword() {
this.isClicked = true;
this.actionButtonLabel = "Please wait...";
await this.authService.resetPassword(this.userName).then(() => {
this.actionButtonLabel = "Reset Password";
this.alert.code = '200';
this.alert.message = "A password reset link has been sent to your email address.";
this.alert.status = 'success';
}).catch(err => {
this.isClicked = false;
this.actionButtonLabel = "Reset Password";
this.alert.code = err.code;
this.alert.message = FirebaseErrors.Parse(err.code);
this.alert.status = 'failed';
You just need to pass a URL to the sendPasswordResetEmail() function, like this:
resetPassword(email: string) {
return this.afAuth.sendPasswordResetEmail(email, {url: "http://example.com/login"});
Also don't return a promise and attempt to catch it at the same time, you should allow whatever calls resetPassword() to handle the error.
Documentation: https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/web/passing-state-in-email-actions#passing_statecontinue_url_in_email_actions
Alternatively, you can create your own landing pages so that you have more control: https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/custom-email-handler