I'm quite new in using Rundeck. I have job that should be executing a python file. Just to give you an overview my device has python 3.8.5 and 3.7. Rundeck uses the version 3.7 even though in my environment variable I set my PY_HOME for version 3.8.5. How can I tell my rundeck to use version 3.8.5? Appreciate the help.
You can define any interpreter for your scripts (python2, python3, etc) on your scrip steps, just go to your job, on the "Script" step (inline script) or "Script File or URL" step click on the "Advanced" button and add the path of your Python 3.8.5 on "Invocation String" textbox and the ".py" on "Extension" textbox, take a look at this.
I leave a job definition example with this:
<plugins />
<sequence keepgoing='false' strategy='node-first'>
<script><![CDATA[print("hello world!")]]></script>
<scriptargs />