I am working through Leetcode questions and a common scenario I am running into is where I have a solution I could use but it requires a hashtable to have the Key as a pair of X and Y coordinates. In googling this I am unable to find any help which makes me believe I am doing something wrong if I want to use them this way.
This commonly occurs in Graph questions or multidimensional array questions.
Does anyone have any thoughts on how I should be implementing this on a regular basis? Or any reasons why I SHOULDNT be doing this?
The language I am using for this is C# but I'm sure it applies to most languages.
Thanks a lot!
You could use a Tuple
var dict = new Dictionary<(int x, int y), string>();
dict.Add((12, 34), "My Town");
See related answer.
Assuming that the coordinates are always smaller than MAX
, you could calculate a combined key
x * MAX + y