maybe i try the impossible thing, but i try so archive a logging system where i can log anywhere with something like Logger::info('some info') or plain LogInfo(...).
So no pre-initialisation with new .. or as parameter/injection (have to us it in some functions with "dynamic" count of parameters). I need to use inside a controller/command and outside in smaller custom made classes and functions, called by some way by the controllers/commands but not extending any containers.
for example i use the MessageGenerator Example from the Symfony Docs
// srcMessageGenerator.php
namespace App\Library\Util;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
class MessageGenerator
private $em;
public function setEM(EntityManagerInterface $em){
$this->em = $em;
public function getHappyMessage(){
$messages = [
'You did it! You updated the system! Amazing!',
'That was one of the coolest updates I\'ve seen all day!',
'Great work! Keep going!',
$index = array_rand($messages);
return $messages[$index];
I already tried to define it as service
# config/services.yaml
arguments: ['@doctrine.orm.entity_manager']
public: true
problem: i have to inject it to every function i wanna use it - not possible
i tried use it as an static function - services can't be static
i tried to isolate it as static function without beeing a service, but then i don't know how to get the config/package/doctrine settings depending on my env.
i have looked into monolog too, but here is the same problem, i cant use it without declaration outside a controller/command.
anyone have a hint how i can access the default (env based) doctrine connection, or how i can use a service inside/outside a controller/command without declaring it (static like) and giving the entity manager to it.
(a solution to second way would be lovely, so i can "upgrade" to monolog some day using the same solution)
You can use Injecting Services/Config into a Service in Symfony by passing your service to the function in your controller.
Your service:
class MessageGeneratorService
private $em;
public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $em){
$this->em = $em;
public function getHappyMessage(){
// the job
In an other service:
class MyService
private $messageGeneratorService;
public __construct(MessageGeneratorService $mGService) {
$this->messageGeneratorService = $mGService
// You can use this service like you use MessageGeneratorService
public makeMeHappy() {
In a controller:
class MyController
* @Route("/example", name="page_example")
public index(MessageGeneratorService $mGService) {
$mGService->getHappyMessage(); // Now, you can use it
return $this->render('example/index.html.twig');
Now, you can use an instance of MessageGeneratorService in a controller or in a service:
The container will automatically know to pass the logger service when instantiating the MessageGenerator