I have two tables, orders and records as below.
Orders table has three columns:
order_id seller order_price
123 abc 50
456 abc 75
789 def 60
Records table also has three columns, where it records any changes made to the order:
order_id log_made_at record
123 2018-08-05 11:00:00 order approved
123 2018-08-05 12:00:00 shipping city updated
123 2018-08-05 12:00:10 order declined
456 2018-08-05 12:10:00 order approved
789 2018-08-05 12:20:10 order declined
The 'record' column stores string values such as 'order approved', 'order declined', 'shipping city updated', etc. The 'log_made_at' column stores the timestamp of when the records were made.
If I wanted to calculate the percentage of dollar amount of approved orders out of total dollar amount of orders placed ($ amount of approved orders) / ($ amount of total orders placed) per seller, what query should I use? I'm having difficulty isolating orders where the last record made was 'order approved' to use their prices as $ amount of approved orders.
The result I want using the sample data above would look something like this:
seller approved_order_dollar_amount_percentage
abc 0.6
def 0.0
How I got the above calculations: seller abc has two orders(123 and 456) that each has a price tag of 50 and 75, so his total order price is 125. However, only order 456 has a final log of 'order approved' made since order 123 was ultimately declined. So seller abc's final approved order dollar amount percentage is 75/125 = 0.6.
The query I tried running is this one, but it keeps giving me the wrong numbers:
SELECT order_price
FROM orders o
INNER JOIN records r ON o.order_id = r.order_id
WHERE r.log_made_at IN (
SELECT MAX(log_made_at)
FROM records
GROUP BY order_id)
AND r.record = 'order approved'
)/SUM(total_order_price) AS approval_rate_by_sum
You could use conditional aggregation:
sum(case when r.record = 'order approved' then o.order_price else 0 end)
/ sum(o.order_price) as approved_order_dollar_amount_percentage
from orders o
left join (
select r.*, row_number() over(partition by orderid order by log_made_at desc) rn
from records r
) r on r.order_id = o.order_id and r.rn = 1
group by seller
The subquery retrieves the last record per order, then the outer query aggregate and does the computation.