I'm trying to create a JSON or a Hash that can have N depth. Example: X people with unique names might have Y kids and those kids might have Z kids (and goes on till N generations). I want to create a Hash (or JSON) that would look like this:
"John" => {
"Lara" => {
"Niko" => "Doe"
"Kobe" => "Doe"
"Jess" => {
"Alex" => "Patrik"
I tried working with recursive aliases but couldn't achieve that.
alias Person = Hash(String, Person) | Hash(String, String)
The input could come from arrays of String like
["John|Lara|Niko", "John|Kobe", "Jess|Alex"]
["Doe", "Patrik"]
(I can deal with the loops. My issue is adding them to the Hash as their size is unknown.)
I came across this discussion https://forum.crystal-lang.org/t/how-do-i-create-a-nested-hash-type/885 but unfortunately I can't achieve what I want and also keep the Hash's (or JSON's) methods (which are needed).
I couldn't quite make out how you arrived at your example result from your example input, so I'm going to use a different setup: Let's assume we have a simple configuration file format where keys are structured and grouped through a dotted sequence and all values are always strings.
app.name = test
app.mail.enable = true
app.mail.host = mail.local
server.host = localhost
server.port = 3000
log_level = debug
We can parse it to a recursive Hash
like so:
alias ParsedConfig = Hash(String, ParsedConfig)|String
config = Hash(String, ParsedConfig).new
# CONFIG being our input from above
CONFIG.each_line do |entry|
keys, value = entry.split(" = ")
keys = keys.split(".")
current = config
keys[0..-2].each do |key|
if current.has_key?(key)
item = current[key]
if item.is_a?(Hash)
current = item
raise "Malformed config"
item = Hash(String, ParsedConfig).new
current[key] = item
current = item
current[keys.last] = value
pp! config
The output will be:
config # => {"app" =>
{"name" => "test", "mail" => {"enable" => "true", "host" => "mail.local"}},
"server" => {"host" => "localhost", "port" => "3000"},
"log_level" => "debug"}
Alternatively we can parse it to a recursive struct:
record ConfigGroup, entries = Hash(String, ConfigGroup|String).new
config = ConfigGroup.new
# CONFIG being our input from above
CONFIG.each_line do |entry|
keys, value = entry.split(" = ")
keys = keys.split(".")
current = config
keys[0..-2].each do |key|
if current.entries.has_key?(key)
item = current.entries[key]
if item.is_a?(ConfigGroup)
current = item
raise "Malformed config"
item = ConfigGroup.new
current.entries[key] = item
current = item
current.entries[keys.last] = value
pp! config
The output then will be:
config # => ConfigGroup(
{"app" =>
{"name" => "test",
"mail" =>
ConfigGroup(@entries={"enable" => "true", "host" => "mail.local"})}),
"server" => ConfigGroup(@entries={"host" => "localhost", "port" => "3000"}),
"log_level" => "debug"})
Recursive structs currently are a bit less buggy, offer a nice place for custom methods on your parsed domain objects and generally have a more certain future than recursive aliases, which are sometimes a bit buggy.
Full example on carc.in: https://carc.in/#/r/9mxr