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Specifying external libraries but not at function level

I have a question about specifying external libraries using roxygen2. To import other packages I just have to add within function description @import <package_name>. But is there any way how can we do it not at function level I mean not as function description? Bringing external packages at function level in my opinion can bring problems in future when modifying functions within package. For example if I do not want to have function in my package, it's very easy to delete it with imports within it.

To summarize

Is there any possibility how can I refer to external package but not at function level, but more at package level when building package?


  • You could create a dedicated myPackage.R file with general package description as well as global imports, see Documenting Packages :

    #' Package Title
    #' Description of my package
    #' Link to the functions of MyPackage :
    #' * [function1()]
    #' * [function2()]
    #' * [...]
    #' @author Me, Others
    #' @docType package
    #' @name myPackage
    #' @import otherPackage 

    The NULL at the end is needed, as this file doesn't refer to a specific object in the package.