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Azure devops pipeline restAPI How to pass varible with SourceFolder for CopyFiles Task , self hosted agent in container

my set up is as follow I have hosted agent that as first job copies files from the self-hosted agent which is started as a docker container

the hosted pipeline is triggered with pipeline "run" rest API :

this is how the body looks like now :

"resources": {
        "repositories:": {
            "self": {
                "refName": "refs/heads/my_branch"

it is working great.
now the part of the hosted pipeline looks like this :

- job: self_hosted_connect
  timeoutInMinutes: 10
  pool: Default
  - task: CopyFiles@2
      SourceFolder: '/home/copy_dir'
      Contents: '**'
      TargetFolder: '$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)'

also, work great.

My questions are :

  1. I like to send in the "run" rest API another parameter that contains the SourceFolder path so that the CopyFiles task will be dynamic and not have hardcode SourceFolder path

  2. When i run the self-hosted agent from docker how do i tell the self-hosted agent to include the directory outside its working dir? so the pipeline will not fail with the error :

    #[error]Unhandled: Not found SourceFolder: /home/copy_dir

UPDATE i updated the request to :

    "resources": {
        "repositories:": {
            "self": {
                "refName": "refs/heads/my_branch"
    "templateParameters": {

but I'm getting an error:

    "$id": "1",
    "innerException": null,
    "message": "Unexpected parameter 'Folderpath'",
    "typeName": "Microsoft.Azure.Pipelines.WebApi.PipelineValidationException, Microsoft.Azure.Pipelines.WebApi",
    "typeKey": "PipelineValidationException",
    "errorCode": 0,
    "eventId": 3000


  • send in the "run" rest API another parameter that contains the SourceFolder path We can use runtime parameters in pipeline.

    YAML sample:

    - name: Folderpath
      displayName: 'configure Folder path'
      type: string
      default: {SourceFolder path}
    - task: CopyFiles@2
        SourceFolder: '${{ parameters.Folderpath}}'
        Contents: '**'
        TargetFolder: '$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)'

    Request URL:


    Request Body:

        "templateParameters": {
            "Folderpath":"{SourceFolder path}"

    how do i tell the self-hosted agent to include the directory outside its working dir?

    We can copy the local folder or azure DevOps predefined variables to define the source folder.


    We should define the parameter in the YAML build, if not, we will get the error Unexpected parameter 'Folderpath'"

    enter image description here

    UPDATE 2

    as i like it to take from the real path (the one i pass in the request ) on the disc where the self-hosted docker running and not relative to the docker working dir, so now it gives me this error :

    [error]Unhandled: Not found SourceFolder: /azp/agent/_work/1/s/{/home/copy_dir}  

    where /azp is the docker working dir

    i configured docker from this link :