I have a map with an older topojson format that once worked with Vega-Lite. Now we only see a purple square in this editor gist.
I've rebuilt the map with the same code but updated topojson in the vega editor and saved as a gist here.
With the new vega release, it seems like I need my topojson files to be formatted differently, with the arcs first, like the mapshaper.org export output. Why is this? It's broken several existing web maps, and took me a few hours to figure out. Seems like I can fix it with a workflow change, but I am curious.
Topojson data follows the left-hand rule for projected data (clockwise orientation for outer rings and counter- clockwise for interior rings), where the data in your topojson file is structured according the right-hand rule (counter-clockwise for outer rings and clockwise for interior rings). The order of your polygons seems negligible, but it defines which part is ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ the polgygons.
You can do two things:
projection.Example for 1:
"projection": {"type": "identity", "reflectY": true},
Example for 2:
Use MapShaper or Python to force your data in the right order. Here an example using Python
import topojson as tp
import geopandas as gpd
gdf = gpd.read_file('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nycehs/NeighborhoodReports/master/visualizations/json/UHF42.topo_old.json')
I wrote a bit about it before for Altair and Python Topojson
And Mike Bostock for D3