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Pytube playlist doesn't download any video

I try to download playlist using pytube3 library with this code

import pytube
import os

# download playlist
playlist = pytube.Playlist(

i = 1
for link in playlist:
    #if i < 51:
        # break
        #i = i + 1
    #    continue
    yt = pytube.YouTube(link)
    file = yt.streams.get_highest_resolution().download() #"D:\YOUTUBE\Gabrysia"
    # find last backslash, because it is followed by an relative path
    # and insert number in the beginning
    last_backslash = file.rfind("\\")
    res = list(file)
    res.insert(last_backslash + 1, str(i) + " ")
    res = ''.join(res)
    # rename file
    os.rename(file, str(res))
    i = i + 1


First print statement prints 0, which means that my playlist is empty. I tried with a lot of playlists and it simply doesn't work. I remember that I downloaded a lot of playlists some time ago but now it's not working. Maybe there was some change in YouTube backend? But as I know there is new version of the pytube library (pytube4, pytubeX) and I installed this version and it's still not working.


  • I don't have enough reputation to comment. So adding as an answer instead. This error has been fixed in the original pytube repository. Do a pip install directly from the repo and it should work.