year_month amount_usd
201501 -390217.24
201502 230944.09
201503 367259.69
201504 15000.00
201505 27000.21
201506 38249.65
df <- structure(list(year_month = 201501:201506, amount_usd = c(-390217.24,
230944.09, 367259.69, 15000, 27000.21, 38249.65)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
I want to bring it in to DD/MM/YYYY format for usability in Prophet Forecasting code.
this is what i have tried so far.
for (loopitem in loopvec){
df2 <- subset(df, account_id==loopitem)
df3 <- df2[,c("year_month","amount_usd")]
df3$year_month <- as.Date(df3$year_month, format="YYYY-MM", origin="1/1/1970")
try <- prophet(df3, seasonality.mode = 'multiplicative')
Error in fit.prophet(m, df, ...) : Dataframe must have columns 'ds' and 'y' with the dates and values respectively.
You need to paste the day number (I'm just using the first) to the year_month values, then can use the ymd()
function from lubridate to convert the column to a date object.
mutate_at(df, "year_month", ~ymd(paste(., "01")))
year_month amount_usd
1 2015-01-01 -390217.24
2 2015-02-01 230944.09
3 2015-03-01 367259.69
4 2015-04-01 15000.00
5 2015-05-01 27000.21
6 2015-06-01 38249.65