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How to get sum of specific status or id and joining 3 table in laravel

my table

|table1_id | name |
| 1         john |
| 2         dave |
| 3         carl |

|table2_id| table1_id| type  |status
| 1       | 1        | shoes |paid
| 2       | 1        | bag   |paid
| 3       | 2        | bag   |paid
| 4       | 2        | shoes   |unpaid

|table3_id|table2_id|item  |amount|
|1        |  1      |nike   |1000  |
|2        |  1      |adidas |2000  |
|3        |  2      |lv     |1000  |
|4        |  3      |lv1    |2000  |
|5        |  3      |lv     |1000  |
|6        |  4      |adidas |1000  |

this is the result I want to display john --- total paid shoes and bag dave <-- total of bag,'shoes is unpaid so 1000 is not added to total'

|name|total |
|john|4000  |
|dave|3000  | 
|carl|0  | 

this is my controller it gives me an error the total is same in all name

   public function index()
            $fetch = DB::table('table1')
            ->select('table1.*','table2.*',DB::raw('(select sum(table3.amount) from table3
            join table2 on table2.table2_id = table3.table2_id 
             where table.status = "paid") as used'))
            return $fetch;


  • You could look to join sub queries, that certainly would be one approach. Here is an example:

    $sales = DB::table('table3')
                ->select('table2_id', DB::raw('sum(amount) as cat_sale_amount'))
    $table2Sales = DB::table('table2')
                ->select('table1_id', DB::raw('sum(cat_sale_amount) as total_sale_amount'))
                ->joinSub($sales, 'sales', function($join){
                    $join->on('', '=', 'sales.table2_id');
                ->where('status', 'paid')
    $userTotalSales = DB::table('table1')
                      ->select('name', 'total_sale_amount as total')
                      ->leftJoinSub($table2Sales, 'table2Sales', function($join){
                         $join->on('', '=', 'table2Sales.table1_id');

    The first subquery would give the total sales amount based on type from table1 achieved by grouping table2_id and using a sum operation on the amount. So the result would list user_id/table2_id and the amount per type.

    The second subquery would give the total sales for individual customers/user by joining the first subquery. Group by cutomer/user/table1_id to get a sum on the amount from the first query to get the total for a individual customers.

    Join the second to the users table and you should have the desired result.