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How do I get difficulty over time from Kulupu (polkadotjs)?

// Import
import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from "@polkadot/api";

// Construct

(async () => {
  //const wsProvider = new WsProvider('wss://');
  const wsProvider = new WsProvider("wss://");
  const api = await ApiPromise.create({ provider: wsProvider });

  // Do something
  const chain = await api.rpc.system.chain();

  console.log(`You are connected to ${chain} !`);
  console.log(await api.query.difficulty.pastDifficultiesAndTimestamps.toJSON());



  • The storage item pastDifficultiesAndTimestamps only holds the last 60 blocks worth of data. For getting that information you just need to fix the following:

    console.log(await api.query.difficulty.pastDifficultiesAndTimestamps());

    If you want to query the difficulty of a blocks in general, a loop like this will work:

    let best_block = await api.derive.chain.bestNumber()
    // Could be 0, but that is a lot of queries...
    let first_block = best_block - 100;
    for (let block = first_block; block < best_block; block++) {
      let block_hash = await api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(block);
      let difficulty = await;
      console.log(block, difficulty)

    Note that this requires an archive node which has informaiton about all the blocks. Otherwise, by default, a node only stores ~256 previous blocks before state pruning cleans things up.

    If you want to see how to make a query like this, but much more efficiently, look at my blog post here: