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Is it Possible to Merge Rows in SQL from Just One Column?

I wonder if it is possible to merge multiple rows from just one column in SQL. Here's an example of my initial table:

Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3

DAVID    | 10.000   | Client 1
DAVID    | 5.000    | Client 2
DAVID    | 12.000   | Client 3
ANDREW   | 2.000    | Client 4
ANDREW   | 3.000    | Client 5

Here's my expected output:

Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3

DAVID    | 10.000   | Client 1
         | 5.000    | Client 2
         | 12.000   | Client 3
ANDREW   | 2.000    | Client 4
         | 3.000    | Client 5

I do not know if it's possible to have a table like the later one. So, any advice would be much appreciated.


  • This type of task is usually done in the presentation layer of the application rather than in the database.

    But it can be done in SQL - provided that you have a column that defines the ordering of the rows! Say: id.

        case when row_number() over(partition by col1 order by id) = 1 then col1 end as col1,
    from mytable
    order by col1, id