Today I deployed my django app on Heroku for the first time (following this tutorial).
The problem is that when I want to modify or add something to the database, I get an Integrity Error which says:
duplicate key value violates unique constraint "app_professore_pkey"
Where Professore is the name of the Model I tried to modify.
I’ve searched a bit online and I’ve seen that probably is because I developed the app on my PC using SQLite and now, on Heroku, it uses PostgreSQL, and those 2 databases works differently. Actually, I don’t have a lot of experience with databases (almost no experience) so I don’t know how to fix this... Maybe modifying something on the Professore model? Or typing something in the Heroku console?
This is the error screen I get, if you need it to help me :)
Thanks in advance and tell me if I wasn’t clear on something (I’m new to StackOverflow too)
You need to resync your primary key fields in Postgres.
You can access your DB by this command
python dbshell
Just check table name
your_database_name=# \dt
executing below command
SELECT setval('table_name_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(id) FROM table_name)+1);