I am new to assembly language. I am given this task to write code for the following output:
Q) Write down the assembly code of following output using Only One Macro definition
My name is xxxxx
My rollnumber is yyyyy
What is Your name
So far what I have done is printing these strings, but i am not getting these spaces in the beginning of string.
My code rn:
display macro data
mov ah,9
lea dx,msg1
int 21h
mov ah,9
lea dx,msg2
int 21h
mov ah,9
lea dx,msg3
int 21h
.model small
.stack 100h
msg1 db "My name is Adeena Lathiya $"
msg2 db 0ah,0dh, "My roll number is SE-009 $"
msg3 db 0ah, 0dh, "What is Your name $"
main proc
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
display data
main endp
end main
and this displays the output as:
My name is xxxxx
My rollnumber is yyyyy
What is Your name
please tell me how to add spaces in the beginning of the strings
...using Only One Macro definition
Sure the task says that you can only have 1 macro definition but it doesn't tell you to invoke the macro just the one time!
Also the power of a macro comes partly from its replaceable parameters that your current implementation mentions but doesn't use at all!
This basic macro uses 1 parameter: aString specifies the address of the message.
Display MACRO aString
lea dx, aString
mov ah, 09h ; DOS.PrintString
int 21h
Use it like:
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax
Display msg1
Display msg2
Display msg3
msg1 db "My name is Adeena Lathiya", 13, 10, "$"
msg2 db " My roll number is SE-009", 13, 10, "$"
msg3 db " What is Your name $"
The required spaces!
Here the spaces that you were looking for were inserted in the stored strings.
This time the macro uses 2 parameters: Indentation specifies the number of spaces in front of the text, and aString specifies the address of the message.
IndentedDisplay MACRO Indentation, aString
LOCAL More, Skip
mov cx, Indentation
jcxz Skip
mov dl, " "
mov ah, 02h ; DOS.PrintChar
int 21h
loop More
lea dx, aString
mov ah, 09h ; DOS.PrintString
int 21h
Use it like:
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax
IndentedDisplay 0, msg1
IndentedDisplay 1, msg2
IndentedDisplay 3, msg3
msg1 db "My name is Adeena Lathiya", 13, 10, "$"
msg2 db "My roll number is SE-009", 13, 10, "$"
msg3 db "What is Your name $"
Here the spaces that you were looking for will get inserted from running the macro code.