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How to upload rdf-file to GraphDB over API

I have an RDF-file stored on my server. The file or at least the file-content should be uploaded to a remote GrapbDB over API.

On the documentation there are two ways to do this. The first one is uploading it to server files and then loading it to GraphDB. Here the problem is, that I am not the owner of the server, GraphDB is running. So I can`t upload it to server files. Or is there maybe another API for that?

The other way is providing a public API on my server and then trigger GraphDB to download the file from my server. But my API must be protected with credantials or JWT. But I don´t know how to set the credantials in the API-Call.

Isn`t there a way to upload a simple graph to a repository?


  • There is a browser-based user interface in GraphDB that allows you to import from local files. If this is allowed on the server you are connecting to, and you only need to do this once then I think this would be the quickest route to go.

    If you want to upload a local file to GraphDB using dotNetRDF, then I would advise you to use the SPARQL 1.1 graph store protocol API via the VDS.RDF.Storage.SparqlHttpProtocolConnector as described here. The base URL you need to use will depend on the configuration of the server and possibly also on the version of GraphDB that it is running, but for the latest version (9.4) the pattern is: <RDF4J_URL>/repositories/<repo_id>/rdf-graphs/service

    The connector supports HTTP Basic Authentication (which is one of the options offered by GraphDB) so if you have a user name and password you could try the SetCredentials method on the connector to specify those credentals and if necessary force the use of HTTP Basic Authentication by setting the global options property VDS.RDF.Options.ForceHttpBasicAuth to true.