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Cannot determine GraphQL input type for argument named

I have two relationed models:

1.- RoleEntity

import { Column, Entity, BaseEntity, OneToMany, PrimaryColumn } from "typeorm";
import { Field, ObjectType } from "type-graphql";

import { UserEntity } from "./user.entity";

    name: "tb_roles"
export class RoleEntity extends BaseEntity {

        name: "id",
        type: "character varying",
        length: 5
    id!: string;

        name: "description",
        type: "character varying",
        nullable: true
    description!: string

    @Field(() => [UserEntity])
    @OneToMany(() => UserEntity, user => user.role)
    users!: UserEntity[];

2.- UserEntity

import {Field, ObjectType} from "type-graphql";
import { BaseEntity, Column, CreateDateColumn, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, UpdateDateColumn } from "typeorm";

import { RoleEntity } from "./role.entity";

    name: "tb_users"
export class UserEntity extends BaseEntity {
    @PrimaryGeneratedColumn("uuid", {
        name: "id"
    id!: string;

        name: "username",
        type: "character varying",
        unique: true,
        nullable: false
    username!: string;

        name: "last_name",
        type: "character varying",
        nullable: false
    lastName!: string;

        name: "mother_last_name",
        type: "character varying",
        nullable: true
    motherLastName!: string;

        name: "first_name",
        type: "character varying",
        nullable: false
    firstName!: string;

        name: "middle_name",
        type: "character varying",
        nullable: true
    middleName!: string;

        name: "email",
        type: "character varying",
        unique: true,
        nullable: false
    email!: string;

        name: "password",
        type: "character varying",
        nullable: false
    password!: string;

    @Field(() => RoleEntity)
    @ManyToOne(() => RoleEntity)
    @JoinColumn({name: "role_id"})
    role!: RoleEntity;

        name: "is_active",
        type: "character varying",
        nullable: true
    isActive!: boolean;

        name: "created_at"
    createdAt!: string;

        name: "updated_at"
    updatedAt!: string;

And this is the resolver for user:

import {Arg, Mutation, Query, Resolver} from "type-graphql";
import bcrypt from "bcryptjs";

import {UserEntity} from "../../entity/user.entity";
import {RoleEntity} from "../../entity/role.entity";

export class UserResolver {
    @Query(() => [UserEntity])
    async users() {
        return await UserEntity.find();

    @Mutation(() => UserEntity)
    async createUser(
        @Arg('username') username: string,
        @Arg('lastName') lastName: string,
        @Arg('motherLastName') motherLastName: string,
        @Arg('firstName') firstName: string,
        @Arg('middleName') middleName: string,
        @Arg('email') email: string,
        @Arg('password') password: string,
        @Arg('role') role: RoleEntity,
        @Arg('isActive') isActive: boolean
    ): Promise<UserEntity> {

        const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hashSync(password, bcrypt.genSaltSync(10));

        const user = UserEntity.create({
            password: hashedPassword,

        return user;

but, i get this error:

(node:14788) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Cannot determine GraphQL input type for argument named 'role' of 'createUser' of 'UserResolver' class. Does the value used as its TS type or explicit type is decorated with a proper decorator or is it a proper input value?

I need your help please.


  • I solved my problem, I modified my two models, in UserEntity I removed:

    @Field(() => RoleEntity)
        @ManyToOne(() => RoleEntity)
        @JoinColumn({name: "role_id"})
        role!: RoleEntity;

    and i added

    @Column({name: 'role_id'})
    roleId!: string;
    @Field(() => RoleEntity)
    role!: RoleEntity;
    @ManyToOne(() => RoleEntity, role => role.userConnection)
    @JoinColumn({name: 'role_id'})
    roleConnection!: Promise<RoleEntity>

    and in RoleEntity, i added:

    @OneToMany(() => UserEntity, user => user.roleConnection)
    userConnection!: Promise<UserEntity[]>

    But, I don't know if I'm doing my test in right way (Playground):

    query users {
      users {
        role {

    and part of the error is:

    "message": "Cannot return null for non-nullable field UserEntity.role.",

    Somebody can explain to me, what or where is the error?
