From my android app, I'm downloading an apk from the web, storing it in application's private storage (openFileOutput(FILENAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE))
and trying to call the android package installer for this downloaded apk by,
intent.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(f), "application/");
but I'm getting an error which says
Unable to open zip: /data/data/com.test/files/abc.apk : Permission denied
in the LogCat
Parse Error: There is a problem parsing the package
on the phone screen.
Is it happening because the apk file is in application's private storage so the Android package installer can't access it? If yes, is it somehow possible to still get the apk installed (with user's permission of course.) or Am I doing something wrong?
PS: Please don't assume the phone to be rooted.
In addition to Mark Allisons comment, my GUESS is that since you have the file saved to private storage with mode_private, only your application has read/write permission. But you are trying to have the package installer read it which means that the file must be accessed by an External application and therefore should either be MODE_WORLD_READABLE or MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE.
Or you could save it to external storage where it is world readable by default.