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How to loop through table using while loop and create another table with values needed

I have two tables: MainTable and MyTable. MyTable has unique ControlNo and ID. I need to add very first EffDate from MainTable to MyTablebased on ID and ControlNo.

enter image description here

For that I need to look at PreviousID column, then see if that PreviousID is in ID column and so on.

enter image description here

Desired output should look like this:

enter image description here

The below is an example with dummy data of getting proper EffDate by supplying an ID value. It works, but how can I loop through the whole MainTable, retrieve ID's and EffDate into separate table, then join that table to MyTable?

-- function returns PreviousID based on ID
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetPriorQuoteID](@ID varchar(50))
RETURNS varchar(50)
    DECLARE @RetVal varchar(50)
    SET @RetVal = NULL
    SELECT TOP 1 @RetVal = MainTable.PreviousID
    FROM         MainTable
    WHERE        MainTable.ID = @ID
    RETURN @RetVal

    -- create sample table
    select 3333 as ControlNo, 'QuoteID3' as ID, 'QuoteID2' as PreviousID, '2020-08-25' as EffDate 
    into MainTable
    union all select 2222 as COntrolNo, 'QuoteID2', 'QuoteID1', '2019-08-25'
    union all select 1111 as COntrolNo, 'QuoteID1', NULL, '2018-08-25'
    union all select 7777 as COntrolNo, 'QuoteID6', 'QuoteID5', '2020-02-10'
    union all select 6666 as COntrolNo, 'QuoteID5', NULL, '2019-02-10'
    select * from MainTable
    DECLARE @PriorQuote varchar(50)
    DECLARE @RetVal VARCHAR(50) = ''
    DECLARE @ControlNo INT
    DECLARE @ID varchar(50) = 'QuoteID3'
    SELECT TOP 1 @ControlNo = MainTable.ControlNo FROM MainTable WHERE MainTable.ID = @ID
    Set @PriorQuote = @ID
    SELECT TOP 1 @PriorQuote = MainTable.ID FROM MainTable WHERE MainTable.ControlNo = @ControlNo 
    WHILE dbo.GetPriorQuoteID(@PriorQuote) IS NOT NULL AND dbo.GetPriorQuoteID(@PriorQuote)<> @PriorQuote
            SET @PriorQuote = dbo.GetPriorQuoteID(@PriorQuote)
    SELECT TOP 1 @RetVal = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), MainTable.EffDate, 101)
    FROM         MainTable
    WHERE        MainTable.ID = @PriorQuote
    SELECT @RetVal
    -- clean up
    drop table MainTable
    drop function GetPriorQuoteID

UPDATE: Adding dummy data tables

-- create sample table #MainTable
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#MainTable') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #MainTable;
create table #MainTable (ControlNo int, ID varchar(50), PreviousID varchar(50), EffDate date)
insert into #MainTable values
(3333,'QuoteID3','QuoteID2', '2020-08-25'),
(2222,'QuoteID2','QuoteID1', '2019-08-25'),
(1111,'QuoteID1',NULL, '2018-08-25'),
(7777,'QuoteID6','QuoteID5', '2020-02-10'),
(6666,'QuoteID5',NULL, '2019-02-10')
--select * from #MainTable

-- create sample table #MyTable
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#MyTable') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #MyTable;
create table #MyTable (ControlNo int, ID varchar(50), EffDate date)
insert into #MyTable values 
--select * from #MyTable


  • You can use a recursive query to traverse the hierarchy.

    I would start by joining the original table with the main table, which restricts the paths to just the rows we are interested in. Then, you can recurse towards the parent. Finally, we need to filter on the top parent per path: top() and row_number() come handy for this.


    with cte as (
        select t.controlno,, m.previousid, m.effdate, 1 lvl 
        from #maintable m
        inner join #mytable t on t.controlno = m.controlno and =
        union all
        select c.controlno,, m.previousid, m.effdate, c.lvl + 1
        from cte c
        inner join #maintable m on = c.previousid
    select top(1) with ties controlno, id, effdate
    from cte 
    order by row_number() over(partition by controlno, id order by lvl desc)

    Demo on DB Fiddle:

    controlno | id       | effdate   
    --------: | :------- | :---------
         3333 | QuoteID3 | 2018-08-25
         7777 | QuoteID6 | 2019-02-10